He Wei, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, proposed to limit the use of PPT for primary and secondary school students in class.

  • 2019-10-07 12:59:49

CPPCC National Committee member He Wei found that in primary and secondary schools, multimedia equipment such as projectors and electronic screens are used too frequently in classrooms, and students watch PPT for too much time, which makes them prone to visual fatigue, leading to myopia.


On March 2, He Wei, member of the National Committee of the CPPCC and president of He Eye Hospital, went to Beijing by train and was interviewed by a reporter from Liaoning Daily on the train.

Case: adolescent myopia risk is hidden in classrooms

Shenyang citizen Mr. Liu's 10-year-old daughter Xiaoya (alias) was at fourth grade of primary school. After the final exam, Xiaoya found her vision blurred. Mr. Liu took his child to He Eye Shenyang Hospital for examination, and found that Xiaoya had myopia of 200 lens power.

Mr. Liu recalled that he usually does not let children use mobile phones, tablets and other electronic devices, and do not know why Xiaoya turned nearsighted.

Mr. Liu talked to Xiaoya and found out that her teachers often use multimedia equipment to play PPT, sometimes for the whole class. As a result of watching PPT for a long time, Xiaoya felt dry and tired in her eyes from time to time, but she did not pay attention, nor did she tell her parents and teachers in time.

Doctors remind that during school classes, if multimedia equipment is not used properly, children will easily have visual fatigue if they watch the PPT for too long. Long-term eye fatigue can lead to myopia.

According to media reports, in recent years, due to the over-use of multimedia equipment such as teaching projectors, there have been many cases of myopia among primary and middle school students and kindergarten children.


The doctor is examining the eyesight of a child

Survey: more than 60% of the students surveyed had "eye fatigue" when they watched PPT.

In view of the use of classroom multimedia teaching equipment and the influence of PPT on students' eyesight, during the winter vacation this year, member He Wei led a team to investigate 100 primary and middle school students who came to He Eye Hospital.

Among them, 42 were primary school students and 58 were middle school students.

According to the survey, all 100 students surveyed said that their school classes were equipped with multimedia teaching equipment, including projectors and electronic screens.

Daily average duration

56% of the respondents: more than 2 hours;

32% of the respondents: between 1 hour and 2 hours;

12% of respondents: less than 1 hour.

Xiao Liang (alias), a sixth grader in primary school, said that his Chinese and math teachers tend to use PPT the most, especially when they teach new lessons, and the courseware amount  is also relatively large, usually lasting for a whole class.

Feeling after watching the courseware.

64% of the students surveyed said that after watching PPT courseware for a long time in class, they had a dry and tired eyes.

36% of the students surveyed said otherwise.

Xiao Hai (alias), a fifth grader in primary school, said that in class, the electronic screen on which the teacher played the PPT sometimes flashed.

If you keep staring at the flashing screen, your eyes will feel dry and tired.

How to deal with it: Health standard of multimedia teaching is about to come out.

According to media reports, as of June 2018

The number of myopic cases in China has exceeded 450 million.

That number ranks first in the world.

The age group with high incidence of myopia is adolescence.

The rate of myopia in primary school students is 45.7%.

The proportion of myopia among junior high school students is 74.4%.

83. 3% of high school students are nearsighted.

Primary and secondary school students spend most of their time in school, with an average of 8 to 10 hours a day.

In order to protect the eyesight of primary and secondary school students, at present, education departments and some schools in Beijing, Zhejiang and Hubei have launched measures to restrict the over-use of multimedia teaching equipment in the classroom.

At present, our country has formulated the blackboard set-up standard, the classroom lighting standard and so on, but so far has not formulated any multimedia teaching health related standard.

Some people in the industry pointed out that the projector is a multimedia device often used in the classroom, and the projector light bulb has a life limit, which can only run for 1,500 hours a year.

If the expired bulb is not replaced in time, it will produce astigmatism, easy to have a serious impact on the child's eyesight.

If the PPT font made by the teacher is too small, it will also stimulate the child's eyes.

Committee member He Wei’s suggestion

Issue the relevant standards of multimedia teaching and classroom health as soon as possible;

The use of non-compliant multimedia equipment is strictly prohibited to avoid harm to the eyes of students;

Schools should try their best to limit the time of playing PPT in class, and make more use of traditional teaching equipment such as blackboard, whiteboard and wall chart.

For the junior students, the blackboard writing not only protects their eyesight, but also fosters their concentration.

Doctor reminds: get out of the door and get in touch with nature

Lin Jing, an expert in the prevention and control of myopia and director of the Pediatric Ophthalmology, said that the increase in the number of children with myopia is caused by comprehensive factors, and the improper use of multimedia equipment is one of the factors.

According to analysis, because of the large content of text and picture and the large amount of visual information, students need to invest a lot of attention in watching the PPT, and the time of using eyes is longer than that of watching traditional blackboard writing.

Affected by the classroom light, the contrast of PPT is lower than that of traditional blackboard and whiteboard, and it is easy to produce visual fatigue when watching continuously for a long time.

How to avoid visual fatigue when students watch PPT courseware?

Lin Jing reminded that school teachers in the use of multimedia equipment to play PPT, should pay more attention to improve the details.

Pay attention to the brightness, resolution, contrast and so on of multimedia equipment, use larger font size as far as possible, enhance contrast, background picture color should not be too light, do not play PPT continuously.

At the same time, Lin Jing called on schools and parents to encourage children to stay away from televisions, computers and other electronic devices as far as possible, go the outdoors and come into contact with nature.

He Eye Group is a base for prevention and control of myopia among teenagers in Liaoning Province.

In 2018, Shenyang Education Bureau, Shenyang Health Commission joined hands with He Eye Group to improve the comprehensive prevention and control system of government leadership, departmental coordination, expert guidance, scientific research support, school participation, family support and social co-governance.

At the same time, He Eye Group has officially launched a 50 million yuan special fund for children and adolescents' eye health, which will be used for three years of eye health education for primary and secondary school students, schools and families in Shenyang, and to promote the establishment of lifelong digital eye health files.

For poor students, provide eye health precision poverty alleviation.

He Eye Group will play a leading role in the field of eye health and myopia prevention and control among children and adolescents.

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